Zack is 17 years old and a senior in Toledo, Ohio. He joined Students Demand Action in 2019 when he co-founded a chapter for his city. He was outraged by the limited action being taken by our country despite the hundreds of shootings occurring every year, including in his home state of Ohio. Inspired by the thousands of young activists across the country, Zack joined the movement to advocate for solutions to the ever-growing American problem with gun violence. Outside of Students Demand Action, Zack runs cross country and is involved in Diversity Club, Model United Nations, and co-leads his school’s student wellness and anti-racism education programs. He is honored to be a part of the Students Demand Action National Advisory Board and can’t wait to get to work!
Get to know Zack even more in his Q&A!
Name: Zack Maaieh
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 17
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Location: Toledo, OH
School: Ottawa Hills High School
What do you hope to pursue after you graduate?
After high school, I hope to study political economy and mathematics in college and help work on economic development.
Why is gun violence prevention important to you?
For every one of the hundreds of people shot in the U.S. every day, there are hundreds more loved ones who are deeply affected. We must fight for gun sense to save the many lives that are being lost and to prevent the trauma of families, friends, and communities to create a safer and more supportive society for every individual.
What are you most proud of working on as a Students Demand Action volunteer?
I am so proud that our volunteers are able to connect from every part of the country to support each other and our work. Every person in our organization is decent and fighting for a just cause, and it makes me happy to be able to know and see those people at work.
What public figure or social justice icon do you most admire and why?
Ilhan Omar—a perfect example of the American Dream. She used the gifts of our country to rise from a refugee to a member of Congress and now uses that power to fight for every person who faces similar or different difficulties.
If you could only eat one food for a year, what would you pick?
Oreos (assuming health is not a factor)
What do you do for self care?
I run, bake, and take care of my plants.
What motivates you to keep going?
Other powerful leaders that I see fighting for other people have inspired me to take action. When faced with difficulty, I remember that there are so many people working beside me for a just society, and I am motivated knowing that I am part of a community that wants to see our goals succeed.