We demand action for .
We’re young activists committed to ending gun violence in our communities.
We’ve grown up in the midst of America’s gun violence crisis. In fact, we’ve been called the “school shooting generation.” Now we’re rising up and organizing in our high schools, colleges, and communities across the country to demand action to end gun violence.
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Get Involved
We know that gun violence is preventable—and our lawmakers need to take action to treat it like the public health crisis that it is. Join us in advocating for common-sense gun safety laws and evidence-based solutions to support our communities.

About Us
We are high school and college students who are working toward a future free from gun violence. Since 2018, we've been organizing in our schools and communities to demand actions that will keep our communities safe.

Our Stories
With more than 850 groups across the country, Students Demand Action volunteers are showing up in every state to make our voices heard. Read about the work our volunteers are doing to make a difference.
Take action to make schools safe from gun violence.
We need meaningful action—not just from elected officials, but also from our schools—to keep us safe. As young people, we can be a part of the change.
Learn More About School Safety

Our “Are You Good With That?” Campaign Taking on the Gun Industry’s #KillerBusiness
Lockdowns instead of learning. Funerals instead of graduations. Guns are the number one killer of kids in America and yet the gun industry is laughing all the way to the bank. But our generation will have the last laugh.
Are You Good With That?Share your story.
Students like you are using their voices to make sure the gun industry hears our message: We will not back down. Tell us your story to be shared via email, social media, or blog.
Submit Your Story

Wear your support for gun safety.
We are determined to fight for our lives, our dreams, and our communities. Show you're in this fight with us by wearing your support for gun safety with Students Demand Action merch.
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